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Differences between homeschooling and school


Is Homeschooling the Future of Education? It is a very interesting question that many experts and people worldwide ask today. They will try to answer throughout the text by comparing (evaluating the differences) between education at home and education at school.

Differences between homeschooling and school

Longer time available vs. less time available 

 When you are comparing education at home and school, you must look at the time that you will have available to dedicate to the little ones at home. When the decision is made to take learning at home for your children, you will have to offer them a great amount of your time to help them grow correctly.

Suppose you do not have the time necessary to be part of their learning, growth, development, and education. In that case, the home school should not be thought of as a possibility because you may be making the serious mistake of leaving your children without support in a very important phase of his life.

By this, you mean that one of the great differences between home school vs. public school is the time devoted to learning with your children (and the time you will have to spend with them).

Learn what they like vs. learn what they don’t like

Have you ever suffered from the difficulties of being forced to learn something you don’t like and something you’re not good? Did you know that everyone is different and that their skills can be wasted on something they don’t like? Perhaps the most important difference that homeschooling has from traditional education is allowing children to study and learn what they like and know how to do.

How much time can your children waste studying what they are not given and dedicate to that activity in which they are good? Do you think that is positive? Wouldn’t it be better to spend more time on what they are good?

Children must have extensive knowledge about different things from day to day. For example, they must know a little history, literature, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, among other things. But spending all their youth learning something they don’t like and won’t use in their life doesn’t seem to make much sense. The vocabulary quiz is also the platform where you can check your vocabulary performance.

Many people begin to think about whether homeschooling or school is better, and it is also where it is shown that traditional education can often go in the wrong direction.

Small example. A person with great artistic abilities must spend several hours painting or creating their skills and becoming a great professional. Can a child or young person develop their artistic skills if they spend more than 10 hours a day trying to learn math, physics, or chemistry (subjects they are not so good at)? Wouldn’t it be better if you dedicate those 10 hours to art and only a little of your time to other things of general culture?

Greater socialization vs. less socialization

Another difference between homeschooling and school has to do with socialization. Children who go to school have greater possibilities of socializing and contact with other children and young people of the same age. Not all children and young people with whom they will socialize will help their growth. They can be problematic young people who lead them astray or simply bullies.

It is where you enter another quite interesting discussion: is it preferable to separate children from society so that they are raised in a controlled environment? Or is it better to quickly show them society to understand that not everyone is good and not everyone should be an example to follow?

Children must begin to socialize from a very young age. It is necessary that they play with other children, make new friends and be part of society (although they do not understand much). Therefore, if they decide to home school, they should consider finding ways for their children to make new friends and spend time with children and young people their age. The best platform to learn and correct your English is a spell quiz and it tells your performance by scoring them.

Personalized attention vs. general attention

Finally, the last difference between homeschooling and school that you will touch on today has to do with the attention your children will get. While at home, they will have individualized attention to deal with their problems and concerns directly. At school, the attention in general and it is very difficult to treat the problems of each child individually.

You already know some of the most important differences that can exist between traditional education and homeschooling. The decision must be made by you together with your family and with those people who you think can help you in a process that can be very good, very rewarding, but which can also be quite complicated. So decide calmly and study all the possibilities well.

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